
It seems that President Obama has played his political hand correctly, contrary to a previous argument stating that the revelation of his long form birth certificate gave Donald Trump more legitimacy. Donald Trump has seen his approval rating among Republicans take a severe beating since the public establishment of the fact that Obama was born […]


During his presidency, there have been many critics of President Obama who have compared his foreign policies to that of former president Jimmy Carter. Now that he led the operation to kill Osama Bin Laden, do those comparisions finally be put to rest? Check out the video below.


Donald Trump is once again trumpeting his belief that he does like black people. On the Monday edition of “Fox & Friends,” the political mogul addressed new accusations of racism from African-American activist Van Jones, who has called on Star Jones and Lil Jon to make a statement against Trump for his attacks on Obama. […]


Clutch Magazine, a leading online destination for black women, has posed an interesting question. Hyper-intellectual news site has published a story in which linguists try to explain away the mix-ups of Obama and Osama that have peppered the mainstream press as a simple, human mistake. Clutch asks us if we are buying it. No, […]


SOUTH CAROLINA — Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfather Pizza has won last night’s Fox News GOP Presidential debate which included Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty according to a Fox News focus group. National Journal reports: An African-American newcomer who brags about his lack of Washington experience bests a field of more seasoned pols. […]


NEW YORK– A man who was heard saying saying “Secret Service is coming through,” as he walked towards President Obama’s ceremony at Ground Zero today was detained by New York Police officers for “suspicious activity”.


NEW YORK – Marking Osama bin Laden’s death where the terrorist inflicted his greatest damage, President Barack Obama soberly laid a wreath Thursday at New York’s ground zero and declared to the city and the world, “When we say we will never forget, we mean what we say.” The president closed his eyes and clasped […]


NEW YORK-Recently Fox News’ host, Andrew Napolitano, publicly speculated that the recent killing of Osama may have been faked to help out President Barack Obama. Media Matters reports he said: Beyond the issue of whether the government is telling us the truth or pulling a fast one to save Obama’s lousy presidency, is the issue […]


WASHINGTON — From halfway around the world, President Barack Obama and his national security team monitored the strike on Osama bin Laden’s compound in real time, watching and listening to the firefight that killed the terrorist leader. Gathered in the White House Situation Room, members of the group held their breath and barely spoke as […]


In September 11, 2001, I was in the Language Resource Center of my alma mater during work study when the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were impaled by 767 jets. We watched in horror, as terror unfolded that day.


NEW YORK– In a cool twist of fate, President Obama’s national announcement last night about Osama Bid Laden’s death interrupted Donald Trump’s The Celebrity Apprentice right before Trump could announce who he was eliminating from the show.


Infidel. It’s what the Christian Right and the Tea Partiers accuse Obama of being: Secret Muslim. Foreigner. Traitor. It’s also what some in the Muslim world may have branded Obama for failing to adopt the faith of his fathers. And now that Obama has martyred the Muslim world’s foremost zealot — exasperating his enemies at home […]